
Showing posts from October, 2017

A small message to boys

                                                                                  These are objects                                                               These are women                                                             Know the difference Don't break her heart If someone had break yours.. Don't give her the hope  If you've lost yours... Never enter into her life  To find your place holder... She can't fill that place  Which had already occupied.. You wanted her to fulfill Your empty life... But remember boy, She is a girl Not your 'Google drive'... May be She isn't the one  whom You had lost, But she can be the Better one Which you've never got. Thanks for reading 😊

Revenge and the karma

There was a time , I was cursing my life For the bad's going on, One after the right.. Then I realized it wasn't the life It was you who put me down For one and all.. May be no one could understand The things I'm going through.. And the reason you are laughing  I'm blaming at you.. I was crying and yelling For what you have done to me I wanted to be bad Even worse and more.. But something stops me Saying that you shouldn't have to Like them anymore.. It hold my hands and lay down my anger Goes away while whisper... "No need for revenge Just sit back and wait Those who hurt you.. Will eventually have to pay They will screw up themselves And beg for life And if you are lucky God will let you watch Till then you survive" I ask them what is it?? And they call it 'KARMA'

It's okay to be single

Am I weird?... Am I not good looking?...or I'm not the perfect match for anyone..then what's wrong with me that I'm still single?~ these thoughts usually pop up in the mind of the people who are still single and didn't find their perfect match.     Then I must tell you guys that nothing is wrong with you. You are too perfect to be dated & stop judging yourself on the basis of your physical appearance. The only thing you need to change is your thoughts. Yes " it's okay if you have not been dated yet, it's okay if you haven't kiss any girl/boy, it's okay if you are still single at your 20's.                                                            You know why are you single? Because for you "The best one is yet to come". Don't search for love let love finds you. The only thing you have to do is just wait for the right person to enter into your life. 'Never go in a relationship if you are alone, commit only when you are


We think about something, we think & think and keeps on thinking about it all 24*7.  we get used to that and start overthinking. Reason??      Because something happened in our life, we could not change that thing and that leads to overthinking. SIDE EFFECTS:  We lose our health. Lose connections with people & try to stay alone most of the time. Cannot concentrate on any other work. Lose hope and finally end up with no meaning of life. But tell me one thing while doing all this, is it giving the solution to our problem. And the answer is NO! Then why do we overthink about our past that we cannot change? Why hate life and stop living and loving yourself? Instead of all this let's lead a meaningful life and enjoy every moment of our life. But how to overcome this? So here I go with my own strategies that I used to follow: Take a nap of about 45-60 minutes. Make yourself busy while doing that work which interests you. Listen to your favourite music on high vol