
Showing posts from November, 2019

Speak up against the wrong

Hey bro, don't worry i'll be there for you till death.😏 These words sounds good when your friend tell you that or vice versa. But wait....πŸ€”what if your friend is doing something wrong or has done something illegal. Then also same words will come out of your mouth. I know you never gonna leave his/her side even knowing the fact that its his/her fault. Why?? because he/she is your friend, family, relative. Why are you going to spoil up your friendship or relationship for that. This is "KALYUG", people have forgotten the difference between right and wrong. college scenario : mostly boys used to have a big friend circle. And if one guy caught up in a fight against another group. The whole friend circle would gather up to fight for their friend who is in trouble. Yeah!! that sounds cool if you know the story in short ..."FRIENDSHIP". How he dares to call up my friend like that 😠. Not even knowing that the boy who has called the trouble was teasing s

when an Angel knocks your door

knock knock !!! who's there ??  angel here πŸ‘Ό yeah you heard it right ... "ANGEL". Those people are not less than angel who have helped you out when you needed the most. Many times we go through tough situations or bad times when it fells like life Sucks!!😫  you feel helpless and can't do anything about it.😒 All you could do is pray that a Savior would have shown up, done some miracle and save you from that worst situation. We all have been to that situation atleast once in our life. Sometimes some rare people help you out or even sometimes not. Just remember one thing be thankful to those who help you when you needed the most. And if someone was not there for you ,then be an Angel to someone else whom you can help. I remember my time, When i was looking for the job change, one of my colleague whom i have rarely talked, shown some empathy towards me. He told me that he can give my reference to some company. And honestly speaking this

A Writer is Reborn

It's been almost more than year that i haven't posted. I know its a very long time i used to write✍. But here i'm back. Back now with more passion, more enthusiasm and more amazing thoughts. So you all might be thinking πŸ€”what make up my mind to come back again? yeah yeah!! got your point. so what's make my mind to write up again is the thing, through which i got inspired to write again. you all are aware of the fact that a person can put more of his effort once someone praises his work. For instance an employee will definitely work harder than earlier if his/her work is being praised by his boss or management or colleagues. Similar thing happens with me. Few days ago, one of my colleague visited my blogging site and told my "saw your blog really nice". This brings smile to my face and i told him i haven't written more than a year and he told me start writing again. And here i'm. It's never too late to start again. At last all i can