when an Angel knocks your door

knock knock !!!
who's there ??  angel here 👼

yeah you heard it right ... "ANGEL". Those people are not less than angel who have helped you out when you needed the most.

Many times we go through tough situations or bad times when it fells like life Sucks!!😫  you feel helpless and can't do anything about it.😢

All you could do is pray that a Savior would have shown up, done some miracle and save you from that worst situation.

We all have been to that situation atleast once in our life. Sometimes some rare people help you out or even sometimes not.

Just remember one thing be thankful to those who help you when you needed the most. And if someone was not there for you ,then be an Angel to someone else whom you can help.

I remember my time, When i was looking for the job change, one of my colleague whom i have rarely talked, shown some empathy towards me. He told me that he can give my reference to some company. And honestly speaking this brings 'Smile' to my face as no one has done such efforts for me as i haven't expected this kind of help from his side, because we barely know each other. Even though i was having 2-3 offers in my hand but this effort of him actually made me happy as i was going through a lot at that time.

From that day i decided to help people the more i can, hence i choose "LinkedIn" as the perfect platform to help people who are in the need of job. I help people with the post so as many recruiters can reach out to them. Hoping i can make the best use of my will, which can bring smile to someone's face.

That's my short story ... what's yours? you can comment down your piece of short story of helping others.
let's work together towards Humanity.
Thanks for reading 😇


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