Sometimes things never happen the way we wanted them to be..

Life experiences can't be described with just a few words. There come many ups and downs and then it all comes back to normal life.

we all wanted to stay happy at every moment of our life. But what actually happens? we fell happy for the moment and the very next moment something happens to us and we start blaming others for the reason of our sadness or may start yelling.

we scream or freak out at the situation when difficult phase arrives in our life. sometimes we yell at our closed ones and hurt them while using harsh words. we lose our patience level and start making things worst for us. we blame to fate or destiny for what is happening with us. there seems to be no scope of light when we actually are facing that kind of situation.

I  can totally understand this phase when it becomes easy while giving pieces of advice and the fact of actually facing the situation. oh come on !! we all are humans, reacting like this in difficult times is common to all of us. 
so what is the solution to this... any idea??

frankly speaking there is no solution and if there lies any then it all depends on us.

us..!! how??

yes, you heard it right. we are the solution to this problem. see life is full of all good and bad times. its all depends on us, how and what we make out of it. problems are never-ending, but all we can do just FACE IT. yes, face the problem. Today or some other day we have to take the risk and have to deal with the difficult situation. so why not now. It doesn't matter that problems of life come so early or we are not prepared for it. Then let it go and deal with it. Life can't be stable, it has much taste of experiences and it goes on. 

so stop feeling bad about it, start learning new lessons and make yourself future ready.

stay blessed and happy.


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