The Pleasant five letter words... SMILE

Today, while going through the YouTube channel, I came across to some motivational videos which led me to write my thoughts about this one... SMILE

I can make you laugh on a joke. It can be the funniest one. But if i kept on repeating the same joke like a loop ...will you laugh again like the one I share with you for the 1st time. The answer will be NO.

So the thing goes like this." If we don't  laugh on the same joke again, so why do we cry on the same problem again??"

We encounter many difficult situations in our lives which change our attitude towards it. The problem will come and go , it won't last long in your life. So why to stop smiling.

Funeral pyre kills somebody once, anxiety kills someone every moment.

Just smile, may be your smile becomes the reason for the others to smile. Spread happiness and attract the same to your and other lives too. That's why the photographer always tell you...SMiLe Please!! The thing which looks adorable in you.

Keep smiling and thanks for reading!
Comments are always welcome.


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